Here is a little bit more 2" 410 stuff. Have more boxes and closers etc. playing hide and seek from me.

The little Jannsen garden gun is still tight enough to place a single layer of cigarette celophane between either barrel and pick the whole gun up, so I would say it is still on face It is maybe close to the 44xl, but in one of those jabc formats.

I respect your research and opinions, but think you should not rely so much on catalog hype.
Your posts about 2" 410's having a maximum of 3/10's oz of shot, made me wonder where you got your info from. I see it is from Western paper shells. You may consider the offerings in brass of the same period by US and monky wards. Given they were not probably considered as well as Winchester in the ammunition makers realm, but they were far from being in the class of "hand loads" One of these days I will succumb to breaking up some 25ct boxes and opening up the shells to see just what is in them, but NOT the sealed Peters squirrel box {even tho I would love to see what insert it has hidden in it}.
BTW, the '27 Hercules Sporting powders guide shown at the right has NO reference to 410 loadings.

Looking for nice full 410 Winchester brass box