Kerryman, I think you are on to something . Your Britte thought is in line with what Steven Hughes said about Britte making guns, partial at least, for others. Along those same lines, I have found in Lupi's book, Grandi Fucili Da Caccia Europei, on page 234, information about an ejector system on a J. Nowotny sidelock from Cecoslovacchia [sic] . Note that the forend iron and mechanism is a duplicate of my Christophe and that the possible Britte numbers stamped on the ejector mechanism are very close. If one looks closely at the Lupi pictures one can also see the Bt mark on the bottom photo just to the right of the serial no. It is the same mark as on the Christophe. If all this is correct, and I think it is, Britte was making guns for Belgian companies to finish up, but also making guns for other makers in other parts of Europe. Interesting . Here's the Lupi page. I cannot read the Italian, but maybe someone can translate.

I also see in French text of Who is Who in the gunmakers of Liege, by Gadisseur and Druart, that Britte may have operated until 1950 or so.

Last edited by Daryl Hallquist; 02/25/09 03:11 PM.