Daryl,James Charles Scott joined the company in 1855 at age 21. He was trained as an artist at A Design School 1n the U.K.He was the aesthetic leader in the company whilst his brother W.M.Scott was the designer of many of the Scott patents.It is believed that James,s wildfowl designs first appeared on Scott guns during the 1880,s.Undoubtedly a pattern book would have been created for James,s wildfowl designs.Whilst James is said to have carried out some of the engraving, other engravers would have been mandatory to handle the volume of work.These engravers would have been required to work strictly to the pattern book. It was a common practice for engravers to make a "pull"from their finished work. This likely travelled with them and would have provided a source inspiration should they have decided to leave the company.
James Scott became company managing director in 1894. He retired in 1897 when the company amalgamated with Webley and Ellis.

Roy Hebbes