And you clay bird fiends want a real challange- Orvis used to sell a Ritz Cracker hand trap thrower thingy- like all the orvis stuff, it's a "Yuppie Playground"- We have one- bought from Natchez- hand cocking with adjustable tension spring- alum. blade with rubber groove- will take two std. targets- and I welded it into an older truck tire that had a metal frame bolted through the lug holes- a farm "freebie"- so it is stable and the el rinko metal "hold down stakes" are not needed- those look good on the drawing board, but all ground and terrain is different in the USA- so what might hold in sand won't even dent hardpan-we have found the elevation transit works fine, and by varying the placement of the std. clay, we can change the flight pattern- we don't buy cases of orange clays- 135 per carton I believe- we have a gun club with both a trap and skeet field that buffers State (as in open to the public) land so we go there on non-weekend shooting days and salvage the unbroken clays that have landed in the unmowed grass- sort of a LZ for "missed birdies"- BUT- no clay target, IMO, can give you the practice of either barn pigeons or crows in a crosswind- RWTF

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..