Thanks for the kind remarks on the Fox. I can understand wanting a tighter grip, but it has double triggers and the radius is a slight compromise. It does have a faint palm swell that's difficult to detect with the eye. I started with a Bondo pattern, so I went entirely on trial & error, cause and effect, rather than pre-determined dimensions. After the fact, I find it's pretty close to my other target guns at about 1 3/8 by 2 1/8....pretty high and straight. Also, the grip ended up with a slightly smaller circumference than my O/U's, but lokks really thick. I sure wouldn't want it on anything but a dedicated target gun.

Something new to me was that I had it dialed in on the pattern board, then shot some straightaway trap from the low gun hold. I found I was frequently taking off the left wing? Back to the pattern board, low gun start, mount and fire....dead center. Added more cast (ending up with a solid 1/2" off at the heel) and could center the trap targets better.

Looking at pics on the web and asking questions, I find it's not uncommon to get a distorted view of stock drop. Maybe because we rarely photograph them in perfect profile as the catalogs do.