I'd argue with the overpriced part, and my sense of aesthetics includes consideration of intended purpose and working environment.

Both Benelli's I've acquired have been new. Neither needed any cleaning of cosmoline or machine chips before use. They both work 100% of the time with a drop of light oil between the bolt head and body being the only lubrication needed. They completely strip with no tools, and have never required parts including firing pins. They all come with five chokes from cylinder through full, and a decent hard case. Overpriced at $1,300? Hardly... for the modern design and superb manufacture they represent value instead.

Benelli makes for a great 'rain gun'. If it's going to be wet, this is the gun of choice. It doesn't care about the weather one bit and won't cut into your Bourbon time afterwards with a lengthy cleanup and stock pull to dewater.

Why limit yourself? There's a whole wide world of interesting shotguns out there that don't have two barrels. Doubleguns are fun, but modern stuff has it's place also.

"The price of good shotgunnery is constant practice" - Fred Kimble