Originally Posted By: Lawrence Kotchek
I have one of those Ideal star tools shown in the last post in 16 gauge. I also have a 12 gauge head. Does anyone know how to swap out heads? I havent been able to remove the 16 gauge head.

Not totally sure, Lawrence, not ever having had my hands on the complete machine. I was always under the assumption that one would unthread the gauge-specific collet from the threaded drive spindle and replace with the other gauge as needed. (See photo of turn-over head in my initial post). I could be all wet on this, but will stick by it until I learn differently.

Are the roll crimp heads to your machine different in appearance from what I've shown? If not, could the one head now in place be rusted on or gummed up to where it is reluctant to come off?

Also, my 'Thanks' for all of your interest/responses so far for this former Lyman product......we'll need to keep it coming if we hope to gain the company's attention.


Last edited by Robt. Harris; 05/31/09 09:35 AM.