marklart is right.

Mike Graf doesn't want the business very badly...
It's like this.

Mike is offering to do us all a favor by getting a minimum order together to the manufacturer *AND* offer us the price of TEN CENTS A HULL via ONE BULK ORDER.

Once we get Mike Graf's accounting, warehousing, and distribution infrastructure involved the cost doubles.
That's if he ends up wanting to stock 16b paper hulls.
For a guy like Mike Graf, fifty thousand hulls isn't much. He orders reloading components by units of MILLIONS.

He's being a right dandy and helpful fellow by offering us the opportunity to
--Pay for and order, ONE BULK PALLET of hulls *On A Special Order Basis* With One Payment, then Get It Out Of His Hair at the dime per hull price.

If he's got to hold the hands of fifty or more guys who all want to speak up for their assumed right to color choice, length, and brass height -- and printed with whatever plasm they feel appropriate for this purpose -- in Gold print because their pastor's wife said it should be that way or something like that...

...Do you really think he's going to want to deal with it?

I don't, and in my last telephone conversation with him he said that if he had to handle each and every purchacer it'd quickly go to his choice of color, length, and brass height (that's where the notion of the color Black came from, by the way...)
And the price would double in a hot second.

And that's if he feels like stocking them.

I hope some of that makes sense.

And Casper, I'm on with the money if you want to handle the paypal account.
Might want to wait a moment here to see if there are enough guys who'd be into going with paypal to make it happen.
I have no reservation whatsoever.
I just want some darn 16b paper hulls of current manufacture.
