Ain't nobody I'd trust with my "estate" today Sir Lowell o'de Thorny Glenns-- Old Michael Millken and Bernie Madoff and the worthless shares of GM common I can use for "bung fodder" today give rhyme and reason to the Regan wisdom of "Trust is OK, maybe, BUT always cut the cards".. A Purdey is a great shotgun, a Purdy is a fine paintbrush, and a Purty Gal is a redneck's dream-- to each his (or hizzen)'s own I guess. I'd like to have that older (pre-1900 mfg.) hammer Purdey 12 with Damascus barrels my late great-GrandFather Seamus took from a crooked prize fight manager (is there any other kind?) in part payment for his winning a bare knuckles match-but NOT have to pay what I had it sold for-limited usage and all that rot, old chappe!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..