Leave it for a Grandson. I'd almost kick in a few $ to assist that fine decision. I have Corey Ford's "Letter To A Grandson" framed and in my Browning Gun Safe, along with the "A Sportsman's Advice" written back in 1856, possibly by a British gunner- that has the best line on gun safety ever written-- "All the pheasants ever bred, won't repay for one man dead"-- How old is he, if I may ask? I have two now, Jordy is almost 5 and Sean is not a year, and I hope and pray they will have a place to hunt and safely shoot, as did I growing up. Several of my fine guns are already set to go to them by irrevocable trusts, and if they wish to sell them after they reach their majority, hopefully to use the funds to pay for the college education I didn't obtain, all the better.

We are in a strange time of transition, anti-gun and Liberal leaning forces, coupled with unfortunate incidents involving the mis-usage of firearms (Columbine, Virginia College Blacksburgh, etc) and the days of my boyhood (1940's into 1950's era) when you could visit the local sportshop and buy a .22 or a Model 12 and walk down a country road with it (unloaded) to the county dump or a neighbor's field for rabbits are long long gone. I hope fate and fortune gives you the chance to teach your grandson the ways of a true sportsman, gun safety and manners, consideration for the landowner, respect for the game we kill, and also respect for those who don't share our passion- ie: NOT wearing Tee-shirts with red blood exploding prairie dogs in scope cross hairs or driving back home into a suburb with a dead buck deer tied to the top of your SUV-

I take umbrage on this website when others (possibly well meaning at heart) suggest to me here how I should maybe spend my funds, and I would not do that to you. You impress me as a gentleman and your desire to leave a fine double to a deserving Grandson also speaks volumes- Nor would I ask who the dealer with the Purdey might be- that is not "P.C." here, and as I usually buy my double guns from private parties and not dealers or the auction network, I don't have a "feel" for the good dealers, and I am sure there are many. But if I may be forward, I would also wonder what I could sell the Hussey (assuming you wish to) as against what the "dealer" is offering you in trade against the Purdey. You would have to think that either the dealer has a "potential" buyer for the Hussey, and at a profit, or will "low-ball a bit" the trade to "hedge" his position to later sell the Hussey.

Is the Hussey a better "name" than a Purdey, insofar as British made sidelock ejector doubles are concerned? I can't say with any degree of accuracy. But an old bit of Chinese wisdom from Confucius- "To find the true value of an object, ask three different people that are known to have that knowledge, BUT have NO interest in buying it from you". The only British gun man I know of in the USA is Jack Rowe, and I would trust his opinion 100%. The only gun dealer I know and trust is the now retired Bill Jaqua of Findlay, Ohio- his daughter Cam runs the store now, but Bill is still available, and is a honest and upstanding gentleman, who knows Purdey and other fine guns. I would suggest you consider getting his opinion.

My best wishes with your Grandson. In clsoing, with a bit of Grandfatherly pride- the other day I took Jordan with me to visit an area Dairy farm, where I have had hunting/shooting permission for 20 some years, and am "family" to the farmer-(you can't put a price tag onthe value of that)- and Jordy wanted to see the fiberglas Holstein cow in the far front yard- there was a smaller Holstein calf next to it, and in climbing down, unbeknownst to me, he put his foot on the nose and a piece of it broke off- "Grandpaw, I think I busted the little cow" was what he said- "Are you upset about that?"- I told him of course not, and that he did the right thing to tell me, as I never would have known about it if he hadn't. Will he be a better man in years to come because I spend time with him-I pray that will be so- will he sell his inheritance Parker and a few pre-1964 Winchesters and older Colts willed to him and use the $ for a trip to Las Vegas or on "nose candy and hookers' or saw off a Model 12 and use it to rob a 7-11. I'm betting NOT!!

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..