BV3-OQ1-CC1 = $20,000 Pristine = top one gun of one hundred like guns
BV3-OQ1-CC2 = $14,000 Limited use - slight finish wear, little shooting
BV3-OQ1-CC3 = $10,500 Significent use
BV3-OQ1-CC4 = $ 8,000 Heavy use, but no abuse
BV3-OQ1-CC5 = $ 6,000 Minor repairs needed or restoration accomplished

The above is market research on values. Price is the number between buyer and seller. Value is the common ground starting point for a price negotiation. You are pricing at CC3 condition and the "buyers' point of view," as above, is being expressed more toward the CC4 to CC5 range. This says that the uncertainty about the barrels is causing a value hit. With the new information, we may be able to refine the value of the gun with "replacement barrels by maker." Shooter value alone won't support the above values. So, you must add in some collector/pride of ownership value. The new barrels could give a slight boost to shooter value, but will cause a hit to collector value.