Originally Posted By: ellenbr
I may have to make a special trip to see the Daly and ask John if he is related to Terry.

I neglected to ask John if he was related to Terry, but I didn't inquire on the "Sauer Daly" today at the Alabama Gun Collector's event in Birmingham, Alabama. The pics for the magazine were taken in February and the gun sold soon after. Now don't tar and feather the messenger but here is the jist of what he told me: "It was an early 1920s version by Sauer without the Lindner marks." I responded that it wouldn't have Lindner's marks seeing he ceased circa 1916. "Yeah, it was made by Sauer because you know Sauer was making Lindner's guns and bought him out during WWI. It was the same as a Lindner because Sauer was making Lindners." I don't know where it went and from the info he yields, neither does he.

Kind Regards,
