
At this point, there are a heck of a lot of guys who said they'd be into getting into this deal.
Pete's right about distribution, that's something we're going to have to handle. Graf's and Cheddite aren't going to part them out and ship them to us individually.

And I'm cool with that.

This is going to take a while to make happen still, and I'm also fine with that.

If there is someone here who can point me to another source of current manufacture 16b paper shotshell hulls, stand up and speak clearly.
I'd like a couple of boxes to run some test loads through my rifles with.

In the meantime, if we can get our funds together, I'll take this through to Mike Graf and have him place the order with Cheddite. Once we have the money concerted, we can start to talk about what the options really are and settle on some shade of black or white or neon brown with salmon-pink candy stripes --if cheddite gives enough of a hoot to talk color, that is-- and make it happen.
By next summer we'll be able to run paper in our sixteen bore guns.

I've dealt with Mike Harrel before, and I trust him with my couple hundred bucks for a couple thousand hulls.
There are likely a couple things in his gunroom that I'd like to also trust some more of my money in his hands for too.
Mike Harrell is a straight shot and there are other guys on this site who'd speak up for his integrity too.

Thanks to him for speaking up to handle the funds.
