Originally Posted By: rabbit
Roy is correct in that Roy has lightly rulered me across the palms and Daryl agrees that it's deserved. Daryl is correct that there is an off-topic area. God bless me, I hope the next time I want to talk about guns, the muscle car crew can take their multi-page memoir de hot rod over there and keep it out of MY thread, but I don't imagine that will happen. Anyway, thanks for the reminder of how things are supposed to work and my small role in preventing them from doing so. Don't get lost in your checkering-gazing!


I hope that was tongue in cheek. An occasional of topic post is no big deal. And I tell you what, if I was in the same position now as I was 8 1/2 years ago, I would post about my daughter in this part of the board instead of the ignored by most 'Misfire'.

If you all have become this anal you may want to take a break from your hobby as it has become way to serious.

As to checkering, I guess I hadn't been very clear. The 'smith I quoted was pointing out that flat top checkering was a price point issue, not the "Rule" for all British guns.

I find it humorous that folks seem to think there is ONLY ONE WAY something can be done to be original on British gun.

PS I think Contador wins his second w/ Armstrong in 2nd or 3rd
