Well this is kinda like a highschool popularity contest. Here goes:

I intend to get up with tinker. We haven't met just yet, but he has people he knows in Virgina, and he plans to come here to hunt or to chew the fat (I'm better at chewing).

Eightbore is a good friend of mine, and I intend to get up with him at least annually. His wife is a fine person who eclipses him! I have been known to crash at their home, and I thank them.

Researcher is a person I have known for quite some time, and I enjoy getting up with him as often as I can. I hope he will be at Vintagers this fall. He moved from the D.C. area to Washington State, so I don't get to see him as much as I used to.

Crossedchisels is a person I consider a good friend. He did some great work for me, and we got to know each other by phone during the process. I went to the Amoskeag auction in March 2008 and we got together then. In fully intend to go to the Trevallion "MESS" at some point in time. I hope he can come to Western Virginia for a little hospitality. (There's a MESS there also!)

Barry Lee Hands is another. He has done some work for me, and he writes about the finest looking women!!! Barry has such talent. I hope we can get together at some point, but what am I to say??

400NitroExpress is a Texan accountant who is on my list. We have talked on the phone several times and on the internet often. He has a great knowledge of English double guns, and is a rifle person like me. I intend to meet up with Mark at some future time. Maybe I'll go to the DRSS shoot at some point in time.

Dave Weber is the host. I have met him at the Vintagers on several occasions. He provides us with a place to discuss our passion. I would like to have more time with Dave. Like everybody, I appreciate his forum.

HOmeless JOe and Lowell Glenthorne. I like curmudgeons, and I may be a closet curmudgeon myself. So yeah, I'd like to get up with you guys. Now it will be interesting to see if either of you want to meet anybody!!

As much as anybody I would like to meet up with the various craftsmen here. Many of you are "world class." I have hands made of clay. I unabashedly admire those who have hands capable of fine work. I would like to spend time with you.

There are many I haven't mentioned. All of you who give freely of you knowledge of guns I want to meet. I am a student of guns. Every day I realize I have learned something more, and at the same time I realize I have so much to learn.

My best,