There is no question that there is a movement afoot to at least regulate lead shot. Whether this is motivated by anti-gun sentiments or environmental concerns is certainly debatable, probably some combination of the two. The EPA has been very active in NY and has required Gun Clubs to adopt lead management programs. These programs basically require Clubs to keep their soil pH in the shot fall zone w/i a certain range within which lead will not be "mobilized" so that it gets into ground water. Clubs are also supposed to consider having their fields mined when it makes economic sense to do so. The way shot prices are climbing that may happen sooner than later. The EPA has much literature available to assist Gun Clubs in managing their lead, and in EPA's Region 2 they are in effect requiring this. Whether this will be ratcheted up only time will tell but, at least in this area, the EPA is not going to allow Clubs to keep their head in the sand on this issue. I am not aware of any movement to ban lead shot for upland hunting in NY but with a new democratic anti-gun governor taking the reins January 1 (Eliot Spitzer), it may be on the horizon.