
I do not know what the laws or customs of Pakistan in regards to defective products. It likely would not hurt to ask. I suspect their response is that your gun was old, and you cannot prove that it was their shell that injured it. It is possible that they might pay for a repair just to foster goodwill, but I do not know. I would take that up with a representative of their Pakistani Distributor.

The blown barrel can be replaced by sleeving. Whether or not the gun is worth the cost, I have no idea. To have one barrel sleeved in this country, with relaying the ribs and re-blacking would likely run in the 1000-1500 range, or possibly more. I assume that you have talented English trained gunsmiths available to you, and perhaps it can be done more cheaply where you live. Again, I have no idea.

You might be able to find a barrel set from another Ward's gun, and have them fitted. Again, you will just have to see.

Good Luck. Please tell us what happens, I think everyone would like to know how you fare.



Texas Declaration of Independence 1836 -The Indictment against the dictatorship, Para.16:"It has demanded us to deliver up our arms, which are essential to our defence, the rightful property of freemen, and formidable only to tyrannical governments."