
Good question on the drop shippment.
I'll have to get with Mike some time and ask him. We'll just see about that.

I'm trying to keep the contact with him minimal on this deal as he has a lot to deal with in his day-to-day work schedule and this just isn't a big money maker for him.

Once Mike Harrell gets a paypal account set up for this and the spoken committments turn into money on the barrel (checks or money orders sent to Mike Harrell can get deposited into the paypal account, note that the paypal account is a way for everyone to see where their money is gong and what it's doing...) I'll arrange with Mike Graf whatever deposit requirements he has for this deal and get the ball rolling with an actual order with specifics and a shipping date.

I'm pretty excited about this.
Quite frankly, I didn't expect to have had this kind of reception to my inquiry. I'm glad I'm not alone in the cause.
