
Thanks for the effort and reference. It's the same as I'd posted above thru a forced translations. I can do the same for the rest if anyone is interested.

I've been on a clamshell kick. Heinrich Barella, Otto Selisch, Otto Bock(Hoflieferante-purveyor to the Royal court/household), Greifelt, Carl Stiegele(Bayer Hofgewehr-fabrfik Munchen? W. Foerster Konigl Hofbuchsenmacher, Oscar Geyger, Erdmann Schmidt & Habermann, Robert Schuler( ) and I'm sure there are others peddled clamshell actions. One such action had both BeMeSu and Carl Stiegele on the weapon. Some have guessed that Stiegele was BeMeSu and was the source of the calmshells just like Otto Selisch has been credited as being a source. But now it seems all info points to Merkel of Suhl.

Kind Regards,
