Spare me the crap is right. If you really think teacher's are over paid, consider this. You pay your electrician, car mechanic and plumber, even your "sanitary engineer" more per hour than you pay the person who spends more time than you do instructing your kids in how to survive in this world.
Elementary and High School teachers put in far more than a 40 hour week and many take money out of their own pockets to pay for the "extras" that the local school board cut from the budget. And they do the work even though classes have 25-30 kids or more when they should have 18...when all levels of ability are lumped together and they have to make lesson plans for three levels of incompetence instead of one...when half the kids don't speak English...when the other half need special ed. which has been cut from funding (again by the idiots on the local school board). Or how about the complaining parents who have taken away the opportunity for teacheers to provide the very structure and discipline that disruptive students will never get at home. In fact, consider the 3rd Grader with a Police "rap sheet" of 10 assault offenses in a school system that's more concerned with being PC than in discipline ... then consider whether you have what it takes to even be a teacher in today's society. Your pay is frozen, contracts are left to rot, your benefits are cut, your class room tools are reduced ... and it's your fault that little johnny can't read or write. You're only correct about one thing ... spare me the crap.

"I hate rude behavior in a man. I won't tolerate it" - Capt. Woodrow Call