Originally Posted By: LeFusil
Your a joke Geno. I'm done with you. I wouldnt pay you one bloody cent or a worthless ruble for that matter EVER. Oh, and this just in....you still havent proven thing sir and you never will, why? Because your full of it. You may not even know it, but your Russian sense of humor doesnt fly with me, I have always thought you to be a very rude person, and you come off as an egotiscal know it all. I dont have a very high tolerance level for people like you. I'll end my part of this before I say anything rude. :-) Take care Geno, stay warm.


Well, I sure am glad you ended before saying "anything rude." Nice to keep things civilized and pleasant. I mean, this is the gentlemen's gun group on the net, eh?

R. Craig Clark