It doesn't seem like the monoblock caught on, outside of France, until after the 2nd world war, Miller. Regis Darne died in 1939. Manufrance made lots of monoblock guns after the war, and some before.
Why would Pieper patent the monoblock in the US, where he had little, if any competition, and not in France, where there would be huge competition with Belgian guns? Understand, I am not arguing your point, just questioning the logic at the time.
You keep saying "IF" where it concerns Regins Darne patenting the monoblock, of "Canons Frettés", and while I can't give you anything in digital picture form, with a number to go with it, I have found numerous copies of information stating that he did indeed do this. One, is a photocopy of a 50 year anniversary brochure on Regis Darne and his company, released by the St. Etienne chamber of commerce in 1931. Ten patents are listed, including those he held for a lightweight 1200 round per minute machinegun, intended for use on aircraft, in 1916, and his 1902 patent for, "Canons Frettés" or, as we call them today, monoblock barrels. That patent was renewed in 1922. The converging obturator disc was first patented in 1908.
When it is all said and done, Regis may simply have had a much better lawyer than anyone else, including Pieper.
Geno, every one of those guns you posted looks to have been seriously abused, even the non-Darnes. I can destroy any gun, if that is my intention. But, thank you for posting ONE picture of a low grade Darne in need of a gunsmith.