I am blueing a set of SXS barrels with Laurel Mountain Forge barrel brown....I have done this B4 with nice results...

But this time Im having trouble?? I give the barrels about eight coats [4-6 hours per rust] with 5 minute boiling [distilled water changed every 2 boilings] and carding in between, and the barrels look great....wash them in washing soda, oil up with water displacing oil...and each time I rubbed the barrels with a clean oily rag more and more blue rubbed off; lite spots started to appear ....so I degrease the barrels again [carb cleaner] and put on 6 more coats....the barrels look great again, wash, oil...but same thing happens again when I wipe them with a clean oily rag......Im stumped..

Only thing different from the last time I rust blued a set of barrels is the boiling tank [made of welded sheet metal] is a little rusty...could the slightly rusty tank be doing something to the distilled water....could this be the problem...??...any help gratefully accepted..
