True, it has some attributes similar to an Austrian/Ferlach example but I think some of those originated in Suhl. It is a late 1940s example with a frame sourced from the Sauer plant, after the core Sauer folks vacated the premises, with typical pipe style side frame reinforcements as seen on Merkels. I think it to be from 1949 and the serial number fits into the Sauer series and there are only a few, and maybe only one or two firms whose series reach into that range. The wood to metal fit as well as the engraving tends to point to this period and as well I think it to have overhanging and intercepting scears due to the screw symmetry. Since the tubes are somewhat rotated I think the ribs are partially covering the makers marks. During this pre-MEWA/VEB time what was left of Sauer and Simson made an effort to ensure tradition by propagating the knowledge of the older expert craftsmen to the next generation thru education and this could easily be one example. BuHag(Buchsenmacher Handels Gesellschaft) I think was in place. Either a master craftsman proved to a journeyman that it could be done or either a journeyman suggested a wild idea and a master craftsman called his hand at it, which made the journeyman perform. It is one more odd, intricate bird with an odd shaped toplever. By the way all of the above is pure conjecture.

Kind Regards,
