Hello vitamenT,

I hope I'm wrong, but it looks to me like one of the mass produced Belium made guns, It has Leige proof marks.

Althought the barrels may be stamped Whitworth Fluid Steel there's no gaurantee that they are what is stated.

Literally tens of thousands of such guns were produced often unmarked and sold to multiple retail outlets the world over, many of these bulk purchasers had them engraved or stamped with their own name.

The No.2. inlaid in gold I think is one of those sales tricks to persuade the buyer that it may be a better quality gun than would otherwise be thought. English top quality shotguns sold in pairs are so numbered.

As old Sam Colt used to say, "For a dollars worth of extra finish, I can sell a pistol for five dollars more". There's many a gunmaker done the same since.

If you plan of firing it, get a qualified gunsmith to check it out first. Value, sadly not very much. A nice wall hanger.

I don't recognise the trade mark, but I'm sure others on here will. Date of manufacture? anywhere between 1890 and 1920 at a guess.


Biology is the only science where multiplication can be achieved by division.