Originally Posted By: Grouse Guy
Edens, F.W., Garlich, J.D., 1983. Lead-induced egg production decrease in leghorn and Japanese quail hens.

Eldeman, W.M.T., Van Beersum, I., Jans, T., 1983. Uptake of cadmium, zinc, lead, and copper by earthworms near a zinc-smelting complex: influence of soil pH and organic matter.

Elder, W.H., 1955. Fluroscope measures of hunting pressure in Europe and North America. Trans. N. Am. Wildlife Conf. 20, 298–322.

Ferrer, M., 2001. The Spanish Imperial Eagle. Lynx Editions, Barcelona.

Finkelstein, M.E., Gwiazda, R.H., Smith, D.R., 2003. Lead poisoning of seabirds: environmental risks from leaded paint at a decommissioned military base.

Franson, J.C., Sileo, L., Pattee, O.H., Moore, J.F., 1983. Effects of chronic dietary lead in American kestrels (Falco spaverius).

What an interesting list.

1983 study of Leghorn & Japanese quail
1983 study of earthworms
1955 a study that used a fluroscope!
2001 Spanish Eagles
2003 sea birds eating lead paint chips
1983 American Kestrals.

Really very impressive. So, how about all the copper those earthworms ingested?

Really, if you are going to pull bibliographies from works published on the net, at least be a little more selective. A study of earthworms.... Geez!


Last edited by PeteM; 01/09/10 10:25 PM.