WHOA!!! Now you fellers can argue long as you want to about the effects of lead in this or that bird. But don't start talking about how it's killing eagles. Three years ago AmarilloMike and I shot dove in Argentina near Cordoba. Every time the shooting began large numbers of eagles would show up to feed on the shot riven dove. Every one of the eagles would gulp down half dozen or so at each shoot. Golly, they were pros--stripping the feathers and tearing away at the goodies in just a handful of seconds. Then they'd hop back onto a nearby branch and critique the shooting. In a few minutes they'd select a new dinner and have at it. Folks, these birds were eating a large amount of lead daily, 365 days a year and were as healthy as any bird I've ever seen. And most of them were adults. One adult had a favorite limb only a couple yards from me and insult me with derisive side glances every time I'd miss or if the dove fell in brush too thick for him to retrieve. Does he look like he's suffering from lead poisioning? Common....I'm sick to death with all this fake, cooked up "science". Every day I'm confronted with alarms about how such and such is killing us or destroying our environment only to find out later that new research showed the scare to be incorrect. Thanks to the internet every nut on earth has his soapbox and is shouting at the top of his lungs.

John McCain is my war hero.