"Don't fall for his crap. If he's willing to do some experiments on ingesting lead himself, I'll supply the shot."

Were you thinking low pressure, low velocity, light loads or heavy high pressure, max. velocity loads for a full test?

Global warming is one of the best scams of all time. They will be studying that one decades with a never ending series of conclusions based on very little facts, even less understanding of those facts and a every increasing, shrill call for action.

Warmest time in 500 years. Bull----. How many SUV's, how many people were alive 500 years ago. Total world population was maybe 150-200 million total. How could so few people, without major carbon use, cause the same effect then that six billion "carbon users" today cause. Never happened. It is arragont of man to think that his actions alone are responsible for the state of his world. Ocean temperature increases because of increased under water volcanoes, sun spot increases and an entire assortment of natural events are more likely to blame for any changes. Always remember these same "experts" were screaming, just 30 years ago, that we were about to enter another cold period that may become another ice age. Global cooling became global warming and the funding goes on. Scam and soft science at its worst.