My wife feeds the birds. I have dozens of White Wing, Mourning, and Eur-Asian doves in my yard every day. Do you think any of that urban lead is getting into them? Could that be a major source of lead in dove?

Ben I could get the same effect only quicker by going out to my lease, trapping some quail, tying a string to one each of their legs, and tying them out to some bushes. The hawks would have them within a half hour. I have located covies this season by watching hawks work an area.

How about the bobcat I killed last year. I found a covey that had been busted up for some reason and then I found the bobcat in the epicenter of the singles.

Instead of making us switch shot couldn't we all pledge to shoot one quail harming varmint per season, wouldn't that be more effective in protecting grouse and flushing birds?

The effect of lead shot on grouse in the Montana wildlife areas is so small it is unmeasurable, it is negligible, it is miniscule, it is 1 divided by infinity.

Any of the following has 1000 times more effect on the Montana WMA birds than lead:

nest raiders
microbial disease



Last edited by AmarilloMike; 01/11/10 11:02 PM.

I am glad to be here.