Bill, I think its a generational thing. Young shooters are inundated with all this stuff claimed to be necessary to improve shot-gunning. I shoot with a young family who carry about 12 choke tubes. Each target presentation is studied and a discussion held to determine if loose mod. + is needed or is ++ needed, etc. Anyone of us old geezers who have been around a patterning board at all know what a bunch of baloney all this is. Still, they insist it is important to their shooting. I have guns for 20-30 yard shots and others for 40-50 yard shots (that I usually miss anyway.) Too many fellows listening to the gimmick sellers and not enough time behind the gun. As you said, one has to learn to shoot before becoming a good shot. There is some irony in that many of today's shooters scorn the Cutts and Polys that, as you and I know, really give a variety of choke. Lou Smith and Col. Cutts tried long and hard to get the concept into double guns. What if they had succeed?? All this JMHO. Very sad to hear of the damaged NID 5E Trap . Not a lot of those guns around.

Last edited by Walter C. Snyder; 01/13/10 06:25 PM.