I don't see it right off but will need to pull the pics into a viewer. But the Germans pretty much ceased sourcing the British in the 1870s or early 1880s. It just doesn't make economic sense for a firm that can do everything inhouse, and has it's backyard as Suhl, to source Greener. Leue had a realtionship w/ Greener, but I think it was purely peddling. Sauer did make some boxlocks on the Facile Princeps and I know of one example that was peddled by Heinrich Scherping. The underside of the frame has similar contours to a version with the Facil Princeps. Sauer #146331 purportedly for the Krupps has similar pins, frame and could be based on the Facile Princips. Regarding a sense of nationalism, I don't think Sauer would have sourced Greener for a frame and then completed the firearm inhouse and gave/sold it to the Krupps.

Kind Regards,
