Almost all pre-1913 LC Smiths were factory std. bored Full in each barrel- "The experts choke" was their ad slogan- But, you could order whatever choking in each barrel if you wanted other than Full (per my 1907 Catalog)-- also in the Brophy book on Smith specs- the choking NBD- taper, breech dia. and ID at muzzle(s) is given for the 12-16 and 20 bores--

I like a tight choke for the second barrel- I had Buck Hamlin opne the right barrel from Full to mod- on My 2E and 3E 12's- BUT my "pet" for crushing high pigeons and pheasants at Tower shoots is my 2E 12 that was rebarreled in 1927 with a 32" set of Nitro barrels with factory ventilated rib- both barrels full and with 3" chambers (longer forcing cone area perhaps?"

That "Mini-Bo-Whooper" will devastate birds in flight (if its pointed right) with any load I care to run through the tubes- older papers, Federal premium copper loads, nickel live pigeon loads, AA Handicap Trap loads- I'd sooner have needles stuck into my eyes that have those sweetheart barrels "Altered"0 that gun at an even 8 lbs. is a "Money Gun"--

"The field is the touchstone of the man"..