My answer to you Bob Rowley, and to Mr. Bumbellybeak, is that the editor decides what what is published in the magazine. It fact, he decides if my column is going to be published. I have no voice in those decisions. You might ask your question on the Shooting Sportsman web site or direct a Letter to the Editor.

I am a freelance writer. It never fail to amaze me when someone imagines that I am resposible for anything published in the magazine besides what my by-line is directly attached to??!!??

The story did not make mention of the Britte metalwork I bought directly from Luc Vander Borght and I didn't imagine it would? That metalwork is the subject of this thread and it's origin is the reason for this thread.

As for any 16 ga. guns, I'd still like to see a pic! And who was that fellow who, "signed in not one, not two, but in three places by it's Master Belgian engraver"?