Originally Posted By: wburns
I did not realize it had ejectors for years. One day I saw my extractor was split in half.

I like confessions like that! Makes me feel a little less self-conscious.

I really don't remember the first I bought. I went thru several pretty quickly until I got my first keeper; a 20ga Sterlingworth.

OTOH, I do remember the firt I used because it's all I hunted pheasants with as a teenager. It was an Ithaca Western Arms Long Range 16ga. I had a n'er-do-well uncle who was a gambler and a drifter. One day he dropped off some of his poker winnings at our house for safe keeping...the SxS and a 5 yr old English Setter named Spot. A 16 yr old kid in the '60's never had it so good.