Whoa, Geo.
Steven did not write the article in the November/ December 2009 issue of Shooting Sportsman! It was written by Douglass Tate.

Steven, your post, if to or about me, falls short as I argue not. I have simply presented unpublished factual information, whether you like it or not.

Great Magazine. Great find. Great that the information in the article is erroneous? . Noop. That is beneath what is expected of them They ought to make it right.

If anything, that is the sound I make.

Luc Vander Borght offered 20, not 17 finished Holland & Holland-style finished sidelock guns from the Britte/Dessart/Pissart collection for sale at a Vintage Cup event.

There are not all 12 bore as stated in the magazine.
Three are 16 gauge.
Three were purchased by private parties through Luc Vander Borght from the family.
Two were purchased by a New York gentleman. One of those was later offered for sale on consignment by Niles of Safari Outfitters. It was engraved by "Smeets".

Another was later offered for sale by BSA; a Texas gentleman lawyer, and yes, he is, purchased it and currently owns it.
The third 16 is the one signed in three places by the engraver; it remains new/ unfired. It was purchased through Luc Vander Borght from the Britte/Dessart/Pissart collection of 20, not 17.

Those remaining 17, all of which are 12 gauge were purchased by G&H.

Quit arguing, man. Fact is fact. Right is right. Wrong is when a highly regarded magazine gets it wrong, likely due to erroneous information, and does not make it right.
Wrong is when three works of art resulting from hours and hours of love toil are omitted. Wrong is when they themselves, the barrel makers, lock makers, stock makers, on and on, are simply disregarded.
The Magazine does not think their readership would be interested enough for them to correct their wrong.
What makes them think their readership is interested enough in the 17, 12 gauge finished H&H-style sidelocks, but not in the three 16 gauge?
Why are you attempting to belittle me? I have done nothing wrong or off color to you.
I am only presenting the facts. Those, yes, unpublished facts. That what I say is not published does not make me not credible.
To the contrary, until such time as they make it right, it is the magazine which is.