I went to a small local show several years ago and was about to leave empty-handed and disgusted when I saw something under a pile of old hunting magazines. I pulled out the nicest piece of Circassian walnut I ever laid eyes on. Perfect grain layout, large enough for a pistol grip buttstock and forend, fabulous marblecake figure. The kind of blank you see on luxuswalnut.com for $3000.00 plus. The guy came over and asked me if I knew what kind of wood it was. I said "I'm pretty sure it's walnut." He said, "I think you're right... you can have it for 20 bucks." Needless to say, I didn't argue. Now all I need is a Lefever Optimus or Parker Invincible in need of a restocking.

A true sign of mental illness is any gun owner who would vote for an Anti-Gunner like Joe Biden.