I bought a 20 ga. Stevens Fox Model B about 50 years ago. It was about $110

When I lived in New Orleans I would take it snipe hunting in the swamps along the Mississippi south of town. One day I dumped it in the salt water. Couldn't believe it. The next week the bunch of us decided to go hunting again, but my Fox was still in pieces after being torn down for rehab. I borrowed a Winchester 97 and dumped that one too. I offered to clean it out, but Ron didn't think it was necessary. I quit my job the following Friday and moved north where the water isn't so nasty. Never did get to follow up on the 97. I keep thinking a good cleaning really was necessary.

Ten years down the road I had more money and found there were nicer guns available, so I sold the Fox for $145.

Incidently, I always thought the swamps were beautiful. Everthing was a shade of gray. It was like living in an Ansel Adams photo.