AFAIK David Wesbrook, Professional Stockmaking is out of print and Brownells no longer lists it. There are two copies available on Abebooks, $170 & $325.

It's quite detailed with great photos and shows how to build a bolt action rifle stock from a blank step by step. He goes into tools and has a very informative section at the end wherein many pros give their methods for finishing. If you ever come across a copy at a reasonable price it's worth having even if you never intend to build a stock. I often look through mine, marveling at the process.

The Linden book is a great insight into the thought process of stock builders of the past, much more folksy with great drawings, my copy still has the full size drawings of stocks for military actions. Lots of info on how to make your own tools. Monte Kennedy's book on checkering completes the set.

My problem lies in reconciling my gross habits with my net income.
- Errol Flynn