
From what you've described, and I'll have to view the "J.P. Sauer" name a bit closer, but it sounds as if the example was made in Zella Saint Blasii for Sauer. If the "AL" isn't some type forge mark of an imported tube, I'd guess it to be for August Lang(e?) of Mäbendorf or it could also be for Adam Linß of Suhl. The 1st "L" to pop in my mind is one of the boys Langguth, although, I think the gunsmith Langguth went by the names Julius & Paul Langguth. In the mid 19th century there was a Johann August Wilhelm Langguth but I don't think he was a gunsmith. And on to the "W.D.", well it would all but have to be for W.(Wilhelm??) Decker of Zella Saint Blasii, who I'm sure was either a brother or cousin to the Brothers(Gebrüder) Decker, who made gun parts & I've seen similar initials and have attributed them to the boys Decker. Anything interesting the standing breech?

The "Crown" over "R" is interesting. Chambers extended to 70mm?

Pod: Glad to have you along post anytime.

Kind Regards,
