Tony Galazan is a quirky, unique character who is hard to get close to or understand all the time; a man of few words comes to mind. He suffered a terrible facial burn as a young person that has left a sizable scar on half of his face and neck area. It may or may not have something to do with how he reacts to or treats people, but he definitely marches to the beat of a different drummer. That may cause him to come across as rude or short to some people, and I understand that, but I really do not believe Tony Galazan is a mean-spirited guy. Having said that, I have had nothing but good, fair exchanges with him in years past, beginning in the very early '80's, way before he started up CSMC and was just a dealer in fine guns.

Lou Frutoso has always been a real gentleman whenever I talk to him on the phone, and I look forward to meeting him in person some day. I've spoken with him at least eight or ten times in the last six weeks or so about a 12 ga. RBL, and he could not have been any nicer. Same goes for Carol H., who answers the phone at CSM often; great gal.

Whatever the case may be, we all should remember that Tony Galazan has brought a lot more to our world of fine guns than anyone else in this country has been able or willing to, and I, for one, am appreciative of that.

Last edited by John Roberts; 03/01/10 08:46 PM.

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God bless America, long live the Republic.