Hi Raimey. One of my very favorite upland guns is a dainty rounded action 16 ga hammer gun marked Max Fischer, Berlin on the top rib, and also with his own serial number, this time marked MF 2xx, a very low number. Your examaple appears to not have the "MF" preceeding the actual number. It sports Krupp steel barrels, and no identifying marks that I can find as to the source. I have always assumed it to be a Sauer gun finished by Max Fischer. I have had this gun for many years, bought it from Thad Scott. It apparently at one time was fitted with an extra set of combo barrels, as it has a set trigger, but they did not survive until my purchase, wish they had. I shoot it with 2 1/2" Poly Wad loads, but also use it for my "vintager" style black powder shooting. It has much better than usual engraving and wood. When I bought it, the buttstock had been shortened to 12" and also cut to a very harsh pitch at the rear. Thad surmised it was used by a wheel chair bound shooter. It has been extended back to my usual 14 1/2" now, but that harsh angle is still visible at the glue line. Came to me in wonderful original codition, even with a very nice braided leather sling, which I use and like a lot. All in all, one of my favorite guns, perhaps in my top three. Don't see many Max Fischer guns, Ben Loving had one in inventory for long time, a clam shell type actioned gun, apparently has moved it out, as it no longer appears in his inventory.

Last edited by ChiefShotguns; 03/17/10 05:38 PM. Reason: Add photo