Of the Uggie model 30s I've owned they averaged 6 lb. 9 oz. in 12 ga. (I just checked my records) English grip non-ejector. I've handled Webley & Scotts also and can't say one handles better than the other. Matter of fact, Cabelas by me has a W&S 16 for $3400 that I drool over.
Why buy a used W&S for over 3K rather than a new Uggie grade III for $700-1200 less. The W&S probably has better fit and finish and engraving but that doesn't help dynamics. W&S probably has better trigger pull but $100 would fix the Uggie.

Here's a really good deal for someone; but you better hurry.


Last edited by Patriot USA; 04/28/10 07:30 PM.

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