Hi, I have a Grade IV 16ga, but this one was not purchased from LCS. This is a very good gun and one of my favorites. While it is not a super great SLE, it is still a quality piece. The fit and finish is excellent as is the handling. The down side to Uggies (in general) is the wood. The figure is nothing to write home about, but there are exceptions. The "Oil" finish they use is not the greatest either. I had the stock refinished and now it's much more acceptable. The engraving is not very deep, but well done with a nice design. The bbl blue is nicely polished and the bbls are well struck. I can't really find any fault with this gun other than the wood. This gun has shot a lot of birds for me and has never failed, ejectors are strong and timed, triiger pulls are fine for hunting and mine shoots where I look.

My 16 weighs in at 6-8 on the dot, but I would bet that the 12's will go between 6-12 to 7, luck of the draw here.

I like mine and won't sell or trade it. I recommend them.

I suggest you may want to post this question or do a search on the "I Love My Spanish Guns" forum over on SGW. Quite a few of use own Uggies and you cabn get more info there.

Best of Luck to You on your search.....after all this is half the fun!

All the best!


Gregory J. Westberg