I am glad this topic came up.

It was Easter before last that I first saw one in my neighborhood. Actually heard it first. Their call sounds like a mourning dove that got a bad hormone prescription. I am pretty in tune to the local bird life, and am convinced they arrived suddenly on the scene. They have since spread throughout the town. I did a bit of research on-line wondering if they were going to compete with native doves or some other species. I did not find any ecological concerns, but cannot imagine that they are completely benign. It sure is tempting to pick one off with an air rifle as it sits on the street lamp across the street, squawking away. (It is not a pleasing coo.) So far, I haven't had the nerve. Not worth the risk of someone taking offense and calling the UN which would send in the 'blue helmets' to pick through my stuff.

Anyway, at least I know it is not just me that has noticed. Again, I am stunned at the suddenness of their appearance. Maybe this dove season....

Lou M

If it weren't for the wonder of electricity, you'd be reading this post by candle light!