Originally Posted By: GregSY
I wouldn't talk about elocution or grammar if I was you, Brit. Your posts are hardly the pinnacle of either.

And, FYI, you don't LOOSE a friend, you LOSE a friend.

Why is it everytime someone screws someone and it gets exposed on the internet it always is because of someone dying or getting cancer? Do they give out pamphlets at the cancer ward informing visitors that it's now OK to screw everyone?

He told me all that....it had nothing to do with him selling me the gun he was coming to America to turkey hunt in Georgia (with a bogus American drivers license) and go to his old comrades funeral in Florida. Guess he should have asked the "mother" of his "KIAs" what ever that means.

Last edited by HomelessjOe; 06/18/10 09:34 AM.