Hello, well there are a couple things why he has not answered you yet. Just my take mind you:

1) He's on vacation, it's that time of year

2) He's ill

3) In jail!!

4) Just does not care if he sells or not

5) He's a crook

A couple of these are tounge in check (to some degree). I've sold a couple on GB and always make a point to get back to someone as fast as I can, after all, I want to sell. On the other hand, I've also asked questions with no answer just as you have. In this case, if I don't receive an answer in a reasonable amount of time, I just forget about it. Not worth the hassle if the guy is less than honest.

Also, I never buy from a seller with a no return policy. Gives the appearence that something is wrong with the gun and he wants to dump it. Most of the times, sellers with these policies know that somethig is wrong and will not tell you regardless how many questions you ask. If you give them bad feedback, he can always say he told you. His word against yours.

Even if the guy is not at home, most folks who want to sell have the ability to check their e-mails regardless of where they are.

Sellers may have great ratings, but are they recent or not. In a lot of cases you just need to go with your gut feeling, if it does not seem right, then more than likely it's not.

Just remember, there will always be another gun coming down the pike, maybe in better shape or cheaper. Half the fun is looking.

Best of luck to you, hope things work out in your favor!


Gregory J. Westberg