The late Geoffrey Boothroyd, researched,along with most other Scottish gun makers,the firm of; W.Horton.Geoffrey,s findings appeared in various articles published in the "Shooting Times" during the 1980,s. These articles are summarised in his book,"Shotguns and Gunsmiths," pages,141-144.This review includes a copy of an ad; by Horton,published in the"Badmington Magazine" of November 1903.
The ad; states that Horton Guns were priced between 15 and 60 Guineas.I also have a picture of a Horton gun supplied by Geoffrey, that is engraved ,"Horton,Patent Polygrip" on the top lever. This gun Geoffrey christened the ,"whimsical girl" because of the unusual engraving, featuring the face of a "person, maybe a girl" on the top lever.I would be interested to know if the gun that is the subject of this post has any unusual features?

Roy Hebbes