With felling such a big tree, you might want to have a professional do it. They would most likely trim some of the branches, and they would know how to cut it low enough for it to fall safe.
The trouble with "backyard" trees is that there is always hidden nails in them. If sections of the logs are taken to a sawyer, you would be better off with one that uses a band saw type compared to one with a large carbide tipped circular saw. Those carbide inserts can get expensive hitting nails.
If it were mine I would have it quarter sawn, as this gives you the best figure and helps stop the wood from "cupping"
As far as storing and seasoning the wood, you should try to use stickers of the same wood and the rule of thumb is 1 year per inch of thickness. Also the ends of the logs should be coated with either wax or cheap latex paint to prevent a too fast evaporation of water which would cause a lot of checking/splitting.
Furniture wood, excluding legs should be cut 4/4 or 1", stock blanks I would guess 10/4 or 2 1/2".
Good luck and I'm sure other more experienced people will follow.
