No money in it.

First off, where are you going to buy mechanically solid guns with good bbls for a bout 1/3 of what they're worth?

If you know where there's a steady supply of these, let me know. Believe me, you're not the only guy looking for them, either here or in the UK. IF you get them out of the UK, shipping/fees will eat up another 1/3. You'll be 2/3s into these guns before you touch them. That's leaves 1/3 for fixing them up and profit. That's thin.

Second, why bother "restoring" them? Doing it right costs too much. Guys simply won't pay the money it would take to make the ROI worth your time.

Finally, the market for English boxlocks is just not that strong. Check out these guns:

Those are all original guns at very fair prices. The guys can't sell them.

How are you going to sell warmed over stuff if they can't move those doubles?


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