"I don't think most buyers would object to seeing reasonable reserves that would protect a seller from seeing their Purdey go for $.01, but the permanent ad nauseum listing and re-listing of guns at totally unrealistic prices are an annoyance and a waste of our time."

I'd object Keith:
If Barrett Jackson can routinely sell 6 figure cars with No Reserve so can these gun merchants sell with no reserve. I can see Gunbroker imploding in the future. Right now many gun buyers don't even bother looking there. And even the dumbest gun seller will eventually get discusted with "No Sales" and quit listing.
BTW: It's not unusual to see collector cars sell for only a fraction of the cost of the restoration as that is reality today. There's an old adage in the car collecting community to buy a car after it's been restored as it will be much cheaper than doing it yourself.

The 2nd Amendment IS an unalienable right.